
Press release - 09/2019

In no more than 6 minutes you can find out what you might suffer from.

After five years of hard work, we are proud to present you Doctor31, an innovation in the world of medicine. DOCTOR31 is THE ONLY TOOL USING YOUR LAB TEST RESULTS TO PROVIDE DIFFERENTIAL DIAGNOSIS in no more than 6 minutes, free of charge.

Doctor31 is an app who can access the medical knowledge of professionals from 31 different medical specialties. User friendly, permanently evolving, our app is available immediately anywhere in the world for both patients and healthcare professionals.

DOCTOR31 THINKS EXACTLY LIKE A DOCTOR, but it leverages the memory and computing power of modern technology. We are close to perfection when it comes to making the difference between two or more diseases that share similar signs and symptoms based on your lab test results (if available) and 6 minutes for you to answer a set of health-related questions. You will receive a possible diagnosis related to the symptoms you experience.

WE RESPECT your privacy, so you do not need to register, to create an account or to provide us your e-mail address to use the app and we do not process any personal data. And it’s completely free and simple to use, available on APP Store or Google Play.

It is fast, reliable and proven to be much more accurate than most of the medical information searched online. It will give you access to extended knowledge about your medical condition, provide a premedical opinion, quick answers for your symptoms, interpretation of your lab tests and will help you make a more informed decision about what you should do next. It offers the possibility for you to avoid any health complications and solve your medical issue much faster.

“We want to change the bad habit of people who use search engines when they are not feeling well, by typing symptoms they are experiencing and reading random articles. Our goal is to give to internet users quality personalized medical information.“ says the founder, Mr. Lucian Nutu.

For more information on our app, please contact:

Nutu Constantin-Lucian, M.D.
Founder Doctor31
Phone: 0772 028 804
Email: [email protected]

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